What is the research paper

What is the research paper

paper色变,恐怕是留学生留学中最深切的感受,没错,research paper像一把悬浮在留学生头顶的一把锋利的刀,想起来就头痛欲裂,那么什么是research paper呢?下面讲给同学们仔细

An academic research paper is a required course for almostall undergraduate programs in the last semester before grauation. This pre-graduation paper writing is
the last and most important task that undergraduates are reqired to undertake and fulfill during their undergraduate studies. The paper is to be written in 3,000 to
50,000 English words, and to be submitted to the academic committee for assessment and approval, whoch goes with an oral defense most of the time. As a test and
reinforcement of the students’ comprehensive quality including their scope of knowledge, their language competence and their ability do to academic research work and
make creations and innovation, the graduation paper can also serve a good yardstck to the educational and academic level of the relative school faculty.

研究论文(Research Paper)一般会出现在某一个学习阶段结束后,用于考察大学或学院学生进行某项科学研究而书写的探索性论文。研究论文的内容会包含与学生所学学科有关的复杂、专

写作研究论文(Research Paper)的基本要求:
1. 论文主题有一定的研究紧迫性,符合现代科学理念并在相应领域拥有一定的发展前景;
2. 针对主题进行专题研究并进行批判性的分析;
3. 所研究主题的近年研究状况,及其相应领域的最佳实践情况;
4. 研究主题的准确特点,研究的目的和研究过程描述、分析和试验情况;
5. 研究结果的归纳总结,证据、结论和实际应用建议。
学生写作研究论文(Research Paper)应该充分阅读理解课程内容,并在写作过程中边写作边实践,写作研究论文应该以积极开展实践研究为基础。学生的课程研究论文写作可以考察学生

